Germplasm conservation, virus eradication and safe storage of transformation competent cultures in banana: the importance of cryopreservation

  • Chapter Authors : Panis, B.; Helliot, B.; Strosse, H.; Remy, S.; Lepoivre, P.; Swennen, R.

  • Document type : Conference paper

  • Year of publication : 2005

  • Conference : Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Biotechnology of Tropical and Subtropical Species, Taipei (TWN), 2001/11/05-09

  • Book title : Acta Horticulturae 692

  • Editors : Chang, W.C.; Drew, R.

  • Publisher(s) : ISHS

  • Place of publication : Leuven, Belgium

  • Pages : 51-59

  • Language(s) : English

  • Abstract : Currently cryopreservation is applied mainly for safe long-term germplasm conservation of seedless and thus vegetatively propagated crops like banana (Musa spp.). Three cryopreservation methods for shoot-tip cultures of banana are currently available. The first method relies on rapid freezing of highly proliferating meristem cultures precultured for 2 weeks on 0.4 M sucrose. The second method is based on vitrification of tiny meristems excised from rooted in vitro plants. The third, and until now most successful protocol, is a combination of the previous ones; vitrification of highly proliferating, sucrose-precultured meristem cultures. Post thaw regeneration rates are up to 75 percent, depending on the cryopreservation protocol and the cultivar. Besides its traditional application for germplasm storage, cryopreservation of meristem cultures can also result in virus eradication of BSV and CMV from infected plants. Only the most meristematic, and thus the least virus infected, part of these cultures regenerates after freezing. Finally, cryopreservation can also be applied to plant material with specific characteristics, such as medicinal and alcohol producing cell limes, genetically transformed tissues and transformation competent tissues. The safe storage of transformation competent embryogenic cell suspensions of banana la of utmost importance since their initiation is difficult and time-consuming and their morphogenic capacity decreases with time. Cell cultures were recovered after 4 years of storage in liquid nitrogen. We showed that viability and regeneration capacity remained intact, as well as competence to Agrobacterium mediated transformation. (Author's abstract).


  • Open access : No

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  • Musalit document ID : IN060020

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