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Cryopreservation and abiotic stress tolerance in potato: a proteomic approach
- Authors : Criel, B.; Panta, A.; Carpentier, S.; Renaut, J.; Swennen, R.; Panis, B.; Hausman, J.F.
- Document type : Journal article
- Year of publication : 2005
- Journal title : Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences
- Volume (number) : 70 (2)
- Pages : 83-86
- Peer-reviewed : Yes
- ISSN : 1379-1176
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : Cryopreservation involves the storage of biological material in liquid nitrogen (-196°c). At this temperature all the chemical and physical processes are arrested, allowing a safe storage over an unlimited period of time. In this was, cryopreservation provides a good alternative for in vitro culture and field collections, since it is less labor intensive and less susceptible to pests, somaclonal variation and human error. Standardized cryopreservation protocols are not yet available for potato. At CIP more than 400 accessions of potato landraces have been tested with a cryopreservation method derived from the vitrification protocol (straw treatment, see below) developed by Steponkus et al. (1992). ClP reported a high variability in the recovery rates, which was linked to genotype characteristics. In order to avoid protocol adjustments for each genotype separately (which is costly, time consuming, and unpredictable due to a lack of insight into the cellular reactions in potato towards cryopreservation), studies on the role of biochemical cell components on cryopreservation are necessary and have been initiated.
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- Open access : No
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- Musalit document ID : IN060024
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