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Proteome analysis: a successful approach for functional research in recalcitrant non-model crops
- Authors : Carpentier, S.; Witters, E.; Laukens, K.; Panis, B.; Swennen, R.
- Document type : Journal article
- Year of publication : 2005
- Journal title : Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences
- Volume (number) : 70 (2)
- Pages : 3-4
- Peer-reviewed : Yes
- ISSN : 1379-1176
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : Proteomics is currently flourishing. Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) was established by O'Farrel in 1975 and is still one of the most adequate techniques for functional analysis. The introduction and commercialization of a broad range of IPG-strips, the improvement of electrophoresis techniques and equipment, the progression in bioinformatics and high throughput identification of proteins by mass spectrometry were major breakthroughs. Gene expression profiling based on mRNA is a powerful approach, yet post-translational modifications can not be analysed. Moreover, several stress studies have shown that changes in mRNA transcript levels do not automatically imply corresponding changes in protein amount or activity and those posttranslational modifications can occur in response to stress. A proteomic approach complements a genomic approach by looking at the actual protein population. Mass spectrometry identification of proteins separated by 2DE is now the most commonly used method in proteome analysis. Although it's intrinsic limitations (poor recovery of hydrophilic and now abundant proteins, restricted MW and pi range) 2DE is quantitatively the strongest technique, is cost-effective and is the most suitable proteomic approach for species of which the genome is not (fully) sequenced. Along with the general limitations of the currently available techniques, plant proteome approaches face specific problems. Sample extraction and preparation is the most critical step and is absolutely essential for good results. Most plant tissues do not provide a ready source of proteins and thus need special precautions.
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- Open access : No
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- Musalit document ID : IN060025
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