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Study of hydrophobic proteins and protein complexes involved in cryopreservation of banana (Musa spp.) meristems
- Chapter Authors : Vertommen, A.; Carpentier, S.; Remmerie, N.; Witters, E.; Swennen, R.; Panis, B.
- Document type : Conference paper
- Year of publication : 2008
- Book title : Cryopreservation of Crop Species in Europe
- Editors : Laamanen, J.; Uosukainen, M.; Hägmann, H.; Nukari, A.; Ranrala, S.
- Collection : Agrifood Research Working Papers
- Pages : 19-20
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : Abstract of presentation made at
CRYOPLANET - COST Action 871, in Oulu Finland, 20-23 February 2008.
- Keywords :
- Open access : Yes
- PDF :
- Musalit document ID : IN080543
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