Genetic Fidelity Analysis in the Micropropagated Banana Derived from Immature Primordial Male Flower Bud

  • Authors : Nandhakumar, N.; Soorianathasundaram, K.; Sudhakar, D.; Kumar, K.K.

  • Document type : Journal article

  • Year of publication : 2017

  • Journal title : International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

  • Volume (number) : 6 (4)

  • Pages : 1759-1769

  • Peer-reviewed : No

  • ISSN : 2319-7692; 2319-7706

  • Language(s) : English

  • Abstract : Genetic uniformity of in vitro raised plants is a prerequisite for production of quality planting material of banana. Embryogenic cultures were induced from immature male flower buds of two important cultivars of banana, 'Rasthali' (Silk-Musa AAB) and 'Grand Naine' (Cavendish-Musa AAA). Cell suspensions were established and regenerated plants were evaluated for their genetic stability using 10 inter simple sequence repeat markers. ISSR marker produced totally 57 (Rasthali) and 64 (Grand Naine) clear, distinct and reproducible band classes resulting in a total of 1488 (Rasthali) and 1534 (Grand Naine) bands. The banding patterns for 10 primers were highly uniform and comparable to the field grown mother clone from which the cultures have been established. These results suggest that the establishment of embryogenic cell suspension cultures of banana could be an efficient system for production of genetically stable plants on a large scale as well as a biotechnological tool to support banana genetic improvement.


  • Open access : Yes

  • Document on publisher's site : open View article on publisher's site

  • Musalit document ID : IN170277

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