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The Species Concept in Fusarium
- Authors : Snyder, W.C.; Hansen, H.N.
- Document type : Journal article
- Year of publication : 1940
- Journal title : American Journal of Botany
- Volume (number) : 27 (2)
- Pages : 64-67
- Peer-reviewed : Yes
- ISSN : 0002-9122; 1537-2197
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : A species concept in Fusarium is presented which takes full cognizance of the phenomenon of variation displayed by members of this genus. In employing this concept in the taxonomy of Fusaria, section Elegans in particular, it has seemed necessary to revise the system of classification heretofore in use. The necessity of this revision is demonstrated by the analyses of many former "species" by means of large numbers of single spore cultures. These analyses have shown that the progeny of a single spore culture may fall into more than one species or subsection of the genus as formerly constituted. A system of taxonomy is proposed for section Elegans, in which the 10 species, 18 varieties, and 12 forms of Woflenweber and Reinking are placed in one species, Fusarium oxysporum, on the sole basis of morphology. Twenty-five parasites of the section are made forms of this common species upon the basis of pathogenicity alone. The system proposed is a modification of the Wollenweber and Reinking system, upon which it is based. In the writers' opinion this modification possesses the advantages of greater simplicity and usability.
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- Open access : No
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- Musalit document ID : IN200577
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