The in vitro germplasm collection at the Musa INIBAP Transit Centre and the importance of cryopreservation

  • Chapter Authors : Van Den Houwe, I.; Panis, B.; Swennen, R.

  • Document type : Conference paper

  • Year of publication : 2000

  • Book title : Cryopreservation of tropical plant germplasm : Current research progress and application

  • Editors : Engelmann, F.; Takagi, H.

  • Publisher(s) : IPGRI/JIRCAS

  • Place of publication : Rome, Italy

  • Pages : 255-260

  • Language(s) : English

  • Abstract : The cultivation of banana (Musa spp.) is threatened by several pests and diseases. As such, edible cultivars as well as their wild ancestors, all native to South East Asia, need to be collected. Once safely stored, they are available for classical breeding programmes, genetic engineering and as short-term replacement of disease-affected banana. The global and world's largest Musa germplasm collection (1141 accessions) is currently stored at the INIBAP Transit Centre (ITC) (Laboratory of Tropical Crop Improvement, K.U. Leuven, Belgium) under the auspices of FAO. In vitro proliferating shoot-tips are stored under slow-growth conditions at reduced temperatures and light intensity. As such, the shoot-tip cultures need to be subcultured on average once per year, depending on the cultivar. Since 1985, nearly 6000 accessions have been provided to research scientists, plant breeders and other users in developed and developing countries. Although in vitro collections have proven their value, somaclonal variation, loss of morphogenic potential, contamination, etc. remain serious impediments to conservation. Moreover, the maintenance of such a large collection is still a labour-intensive endeavour. Therefore, to complement the active collection, a base collection using cryopreservation is under development. As such, germplasm can be safely stored for unlimited periods. Currently, three cryopreservation methods are under investigation. Post-thaw regeneration frequencies, availability of starting material and user-friendliness of the protocol will finally decide which cryopreservation method will be chosen for routine application at the ITC.


  • Open access : Yes

  • Document on publisher's site : open View article on publisher's site

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  • Musalit document ID : IN010013

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