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Cryopreservation of banana tissues: support for germplasm conservation and banana improvement
- Chapter Authors : Panis, B.; Strosse, H.; Remy, S.; Sági, L.; Swennen, R.
- Document type : Conference paper
- Year of publication : 2004
- Book title : Banana improvement: cellular, molecular biology, and induced mutations
- Editors : Jain, S.M.; Swennen, R.
- Publisher(s) : Science Publishers
- Place of publication : Enfield (USA)
- Pages : 13-21
- Language(s) : English
- Abstract : The world's largest banana collection (1141 accessions) is stored at the international Musa germplasm collection at the INIBAP (International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain) Transit Centre at K.U.Leuven. In vitro proliferating shoot tips are currently maintained under slow-growth conditions at reduced temperatures and light intensity. However, for the long-tam conservation of germplasm of banana, cryopreservation of meristem cultures is considered to be the only practicable solution. Three cryopreservation protocols for meristem cultures have been developed. This paper gives an overview of pros and cons for each cryopreservation method. The initiation of embryogenic cell suspension cultures of banana is still difficult and time-consuming, irrespective of the starting material used. Moreover, once established, these cell suspensions are subject to somaclonal variation and microbial contamination, and a prolonged culture period may result in total loss of morphogenic capacity. Up to now, most successful banana transformation procedures rely on embryogenic cell suspensions. The safe preservation of these valuable suspensions through cryopreservation is thus of utmost importance. A cryopreservation technique bas been developed which involves cryoprotection followed by slow freezing and plunging into liquid nitrogen. Currently, 51 independent cell lines and 15 different cultivars are in safe long-term liquid nitrogen storage. Recently, banana cell suspensions were recovered after 5 years storage in liquid nitrogen. Their competence for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was tested. Both transient [3-glucuronidase frequency and stable transformation frequency were unaffected. (Author's abstract).
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- Open access : Yes
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- Musalit document ID : IN040367
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