Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and subsequent protein identification via MALDI-MS/MS; a successful approach to unravel the abiotic stress responses in a non-model organism (Musa spp.)

  • Authors : Carpentier, S.; Witters, E.; Laukens, K.; Swennen, R.; Panis, B.

  • Document type : Journal article

  • Year of publication : 2005

  • Journal title : Molecular and Cellular Proteomics

  • Volume (number) : 4 (8(1))

  • Pages : 4.8 S257

  • Peer-reviewed : Yes

  • ISSN : 1535-9484; 1535-9476

  • Language(s) : English

  • Abstract : Bananas and plantains (Musa spp.), with an annual production of about 100 million tons, are important throughout the developing countries of the (sub)tropics both as a subsistence and export crop. Through breeding and farmer selection, varieties are available with different degrees of tolerance towards (a)biotic stresses. Proteomic research in non-model plants is often hampered by the lack of routine sample preparation procedures and the dependence of protein identification on orthologous proteins. Banana is a difficult plant species since it contains extremely high amounts of interfering metabolites and its genome is poorly characterized. Using a 2DE protocol developed for small amounts of tissue (Carpentier et al., Proteomics 2005, in press) and cross species MS/MS identification (Witters et al., RCMS 2003), we investigate the influence of sucrose preculture on the proteome of meristematic cells in a drought and cryopreservation tolerant and a susceptible cultivar. We have shown that a two-week preculture on 0.4M sucrose is essential for the acquisition of tolerance towards the severe dehydration prior to cryopreservation (Panis et al., Plant Science 1996). Up till now, we were able to classify 40 proteins that were significantly up-regulated and 19 proteins that were down-regulated due to the sucrose treatment. We classified the abiotic stress response proteins within different categories and put forward some intra- and inter-categorical protein interactions. Sucrose up-regulated categories are: (i) energy (35 percent), (ii) protein destination (20 percent), (iii) disease and defense (13 percent), (iv) signal transduction (10 percent), (v) transporters (5 percent"), (vi) transcription (5 percent), (vii) secondary metabolism (5 percent), (viii) metabolism (3 percent) and (ix) cell structure (3 percent). Sucrose down-regulated categories are: (i) metabolism (39 percent), (ii) storage (39 percent) and (iii) protein synthesis (22 percent). This work proves that quantitative differential proteome analysis is also successful for recalcitrant non-model crops and sheds new light on sugar metabolism and the adaptation towards dehydration tolerance. (Author's abstract).


  • Open access : No

  • Musalit document ID : IN060031

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